Sensory body socks, or compression socks or compression garments, are designed to provide gentle, constant pressure to the body. This pressure can offer several benefits to children, such as:
- Calming: The pressure can have a calming effect on children who have sensory processing disorder or autism, helping them to focus and feel more in control.
- Improved proprioception: Proprioception is the sense of the position and movement of the body in space. Children with difficulty with proprioception can benefit from the pressure provided by sensory body socks, which can help them improve their body awareness and coordination.
- Improved sleep: The pressure provided by sensory body socks can also help children sleep better by reducing the sensation of restless legs and promoting relaxation.
- Increased focus: The gentle pressure provided by the socks can help children focus more on their tasks by providing a sense of security and grounding, which can help them feel more confident and secure in their learning environment.
It’s important to note that Sensory body socks are not a cure, and the results may vary depending on the children; it’s better to consult with an occupational therapist or a healthcare professional if you have concerns.